Meet our February Mom of the Month, Christine Willson-Tshimanga!
"Seeing Christine in class is such a joy! She always has such a positive attitude and she’s so friendly and welcoming to everyone she meets. She comes to class ready to work and she does awesome every time! I love her sense of humor and she’s an all around rockstar of a mom! Keep on shining, Christine! We’re lucky to have you!"
-Kristen R.
"I always love having Christine and her boys at class. She is a kind and caring mama and loves on the people around her too. When a new mom attends class, I can always count on Christine to help her feel a part of our FIT4MOM family."
Elizabeth K
Tell us who makes up your family. Where are you from? What brought you to Pearland?
I am originally from the coast of California. I met my husband 5 years ago, and his job was in Houston so I packed up and made the move out to Texas. We've been married three and a half years and have a 2.5 year old boy Joshua and a 7 month old boy Aziel.
What is your proudest mommy moment?
My proudest moment was the moment I finally held each of my sons after delivery. It is a very surreal moment that encompasses so many emotions such as joy, shock, pride, and pure happiness.
What are a few of your favorite things?
My favorite things are being in nature and hiking/backpacking. Give me a mountain and I will want to hike to the top. The steeper, the better. I ask my husband to bring me "mountains" every year for Christmas, but alas, he has not managed to bring any to SE Texas.
What surprised you most about motherhood? What advice would you give a new mom?
I was surprised at how quickly babies and young children learn. It's so cool to see them experience something for the first time, which is practically every day at this age. Also I was genuinely surprised to see how far a baby's spit up can project and how far a toddler can throw their food! I would tell new mom's to take care of their mental health. If you don't feel well or right, please reach out to family, friends, doctors, etc. Don't convince yourself that you have to "deal with it" or "that this is just what it feels like to be a mom." All moms deserve to feel their best for themselves and their families. On a lighter note, I'd advise to avoid living in or buying a house with tons of carpet. (Please refer to the above comment regarding spit up and food throwing -- seriously kids are just so messy and stains can be hard to remove).
What do you love about FIT4MOM? What would you say to a new mom who is thinking about coming to class?
I love that Fit4Mom combines motherhood, exercise, and kid-friendly activities. It's a perfect combination of everything a new mom or veteran mom needs for good health and finding friendship for themselves or their children. To any new mom wanting to join Fit4Mom, you will not regret it!